Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Guinean Health Minister: 182 people have died

(CONAKRY, Guinea)
Guinean Health Minister, Remy Lamah has said the number of confirmed Ebola cases in Guinea has reached 286 out of which 182 people have died.
The number of Ebola cases has been increasing in spite of efforts by the government and its health partners such as the World Health Organisation and Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
So far MSF has disbursed 3 million dollars to help in the fight against Ebola in Guinea and in some other treatment centres created in neighbouring Sierra Leone.
“We must organise and mobilise more resources to fight against this disease which has caused many deaths in the affected countries,” Marc Poncin, MSF’s national emergency coordinator said.
The head of disease prevention unit in Guinea’s health ministry, Sakoba Keita said that 27 health workers had been affected by Ebola and 20 of them had died from the disease.
“This is why transportation and handling of bodies of Ebola victims is now exclusively being done by special Red Cross teams that have been well trained.
To sensitize the population about the disease, government has funded about 15 nongovernmental organizations to develop communication strategies.
Also by moving from door-to-door advising the population on how to prevent themselves against the disease,’’ Keita said.

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